Thank you for joining us again for worship on this Sixth Sunday of Easter, and our tenth Sunday of worshiping together differently. Even as we long for our in-person reunion, we remain one body of Christ and one family of faith, working to show through our actions the gentle love of Christ.

Feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the page if there’s anything you enjoyed about these holy experiments or if there’s anything that would help as you worship along with us.

Blessings and peace throughout the coming week.

To scroll through the bulletin, hover your cursor (computer) or tap the image with your finger (mobile device).

051720 Traditional

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-712386.


  1. Good Morning from Kay Anderson and Kelly (daughter). We share the peace with you. We enjoy this ability to worship, thank you for this service.

  2. Jean & Hal Mills

    Thank you for the Sunday morning service. We miss our worship time together but this helps us stay connected to you and our church. We pray we will soon be back together and life will return to normal, (school and work will be regular again).
    Thank to you and the crew for all you are doing. The bells were good today and the girls did a good job in reading.

  3. Thanks to Pastor Dave and the Walker family for the beautiful worship service this morning. God’s blessing to each of you .Lorraine Stromswold

  4. Thanks to all of you for another inspiring service. Thanks oto Colin and Kristie for the Bells, I always love to hear them. And thanks to Annie and Aria for reading, it was a joy to see them again, they read so well.

  5. Larry and Monnie Meland

    Thank you for an all-around inspiring service. Pastor, your message with emphasis on gentleness and respect is worth pondering. Annie and Arial, we appreciated your reading. Colin and Kristie, Larry was especially intrigued by the beautiful music of your Bells and your mastery of them. Every Sunday service continues to be a gifted collection for us from people in the foreground and background who are themselves, a blessing to us. Peace and Joy to you…