CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION/SUNDAY SCHOOL – for age 3-3rd grade continues! Our Faith Formation program is designed for children to be able to drop in any time they happen to be here. We’d love to have your child join us!
ANNUAL MEETING – At the annual meeting is scheduled for June 5th. The congregation will be asked to vote on amendments to the constitution and bylaws. Several copies of the revisions are available at the information desk and the document can also be viewed on the church’s website .
PLEDGE CARDS – There is still time to turn in your Pledge Card, please feel to mail it in, drop it by the office, place it in the offering plate, or put it in the box on the Information Desk in the Narthex. Thank you.
CONGREGATIONS FOR THE HOMELESS – Cross of Christ is currently hosting the men of Congregations for the Homeless. If you would like to help out this month or have questions, contact Nadine Bentsen at 425-747-1543 or or Ann Huseby at 425- 922-6319 or
THANK YOU– for your support of our Sunday School students’ Spring CLEANing Towel Drive! We delivered over 120 towels to the Compass Housing Alliance in Seattle this past week; they will be used in their shelter programs.
THIRD SATURDAY HIKERS – Our next outing is Saturday and it will be to tour the Wild Horse Wind Farm, east of Ellensburg. Easy walking and beautiful views. Fascinating up close and person views of the giant windmills. Questions? Ask Erik Paulson –
TANZANIA TEAM MISSION – Part of our mission is to bring needed items to the girl’s school. We are asking for donations for the following items: jewelry findings- stainless steel/ sterling silver earring hooks, barrel clasps, O-rings, (these can be found at JoAnne Fabric, Michaels with coupons), battery –operated smoke alarms for dormitories (can be found at Costco, First Alert that are good for 10 years), school supplies such as new pencils, new pink erasers, rulers, black pens, compasses, protractors (found at Dollars stores), and stethoscopes. Monetary donations are always accepted. You can make a check to Cross of Christ Lutheran Church, Tanzania Mission. If you have questions call Mary Mehlum – 425-281-1967. Thank you for your help.
ARK SEEKING TEACHERS – The Ark is looking for both substitutes and an assistant teacher. If you know anyone who is interested, please contact Ark Director Jan Galbraith at 425-644-5414.
JOIN THE COOKIE BRIGADE – Cookies are needed for Sunday Fellowship. Please sign up at the Information Desk.
FLOWER DEDICATIONS – If you would like to dedicate or provide flowers there is a sign-up sheet on the North wall of the Narthex.
EASTSIDE WINTER SHELTER FOR WOMEN AND FAMILIES – The current shelter is at Overlake Park Presbyterian, 1836 156th Ave NE, Bellevue. Meals are still needed. Contact them via The shelter is also in need of feminine hygiene products, diapers of all sizes, and blankets, which can be dropped off at Overlake Park Presbyterian.
CORRECTION: The quilters are in need of top (flat) sheets not bottom (fitted) sheets.
ONGOING PRAYER CONCERNS – For those unable to attend worship: Lillian Anderson, Jim Bone, Pat Budzius, Mary Carter, Leona Lenschow, Bill and Betty McConnell Mary Moen, and Gerry Pittenger.