Welcome to ICYMI Worship! ICYMI stands for In Case You Missed It; our ICYMI series gives a brief snapshot of worship each week so that you can worship in your home, on the road, or wherever life takes you.
At Cross of Christ, our basic worship order is based on worship patterns from Hebrew traditions and biblical accounts of the earliest Christians:
We GATHER with songs and prayer,
We HEAR God’s word,
We SHARE a meal of bread and wine,
We are SENT into the world to love and serve.
Let us know how this format works for you.
Let us gather in faith, the faith that overcomes fear.
Let us gather, inviting God into our midst.
Let us gather, believing that the Lord is with us, always.
Hear us as we call to you, Holy One, Ever Three.
Come among us, Healing God; we wait for you.
We come, thirsty for your Word to bless us.
Come among us, Compassionate Christ; we hope in you.
We come, hungry to be filled with the Bread of Heaven.
Come among us, Restoring Spirit; we rely on you.
We come, eager to rest in your peace.
Hear us as we call to you, Holy One, Ever Three.
“Jesus Lives, My Sure Defense” (ELW #621)
Almighty and merciful God, we implore you to hear the prayers of your people. Be our strong defense against all harm and danger, that we may live and grow in faith and hope, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Lamentations 3:22-33 The book of Lamentations is one of our most important sources of information about the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians in 587BCE. Though the people admit that God’s judgment was just, today’s reading declares a fervent trust that God will not leave them forever.
Psalm 30 I will exalt you, O Lord, because you have lifted me up.(Ps.30:1)
2 Corinthians 8:7-15 Paul encourages the Corinthians to honor their commitment to participate in the collection his churches are organizing for the Christians in Jerusalem. He presents Jesus as an example of selfless stewardship and reminds them that Christians have received abundantly so that they can share abundantly.
Mark 5:21-43 Jairus, a respected leader, begs Jesus to heal his daughter. A woman with a hemorrhage is ritually unclean, treated as an outcast in Jewish society. Both Jairus and the unnamed woman come to Jesus in faith, believing in his power to heal and bring life out of death.
Jesus heals a woman, raises a girl from the dead, and breaks with social norms in our Gospel lesson for today, demonstrating not only God’s power but God’s grace. We worship the One who shared, served, and welcomed in miraculous and marvelous ways.
“Come, Ye Disconsolate” (ELW #607)
Growing in faith and discipleship, we give thanks for God’s merciful compassion as we pray for the church, the world, and all in need. Each petition ends, “Hear us, O God,” to which the congregation responds, “Your mercy is great.”
Holy God, send out your church to cross boundaries, borders, and barriers for the sake of your holy compassion. Use our words and our actions to bring peace and wholeness to all people. Hear us, O God,
Your mercy is great.
Bountiful God, all creation is a gift from you. Protect the earth from disaster and misuse. Free us from selfishness and help us to honor the abundance of nature, sharing our earthly home gently with one another and with future generations. Hear us, O God,
Your mercy is great.
Liberating God, soften the hearts of rulers and governments. Teach your people to be peacemakers and advocates for justice for all. As we prepare to observe our country’s Independence Day, grant a renewed vision of America as a place of refuge, hope, and opportunity for the tired, for the poor, and for all who long to breathe free. Hear us, O God,
Your mercy is great.
Merciful God, give us faith and make us whole. Ease the minds of the anxious and confused. Soothe the heartbroken and the grieving. Look with compassion on all who cry to you for healing, especially our members and their loved ones who have asked for public prayers – Anna Bero, Brian Constable, Ellie Dennison, Linda Ernst, Phyllis Hahn, Eileen Johnson, Priscilla Kanestrom, Leona Lenschow, Marlys Paulson, John Paulson, and Marilyn Van Brero. Grant peace and comfort to those who mourn, including the families of Marty Budzius, Erik Floan, and Vernette Rae, and Lugano Isinika, her father, and their family at the death of her paternal grandmother this week. Hear us, O God.
Your mercy is great.
Gracious God, we lift to you our spoken and silent prayers, trusting in your everlasting love and mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
“If You But Trust in God to Guide You” (ELW #769)
On the night in which he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread, and gave thanks; broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take and eat; this is my body, given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me. Again, after supper, he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it for all to drink, saying: This cup is the new covenant in my blood, shed for you and for all people for the forgiveness of sin. Do this for the remembrance of me.
All are welcome to receive Christ’s Body and Blood in the Bread and Wine of the Eucharist.
Coming soon!
“Go, My Children, With My Blessing” (ELW #543)
By God’s grace, through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, we are called to
Worship God
Grow in Faith
Share the Gospel
Serve others, and
Welcome all.
Thanks be to God!