Hello, and welcome to a new feature around these parts: an In-Case-You-Missed-It style recap of things going on in the Lutheran world.
Here are some things you might have missed this week:
From our friends at The Sophia Way: The Day Shelter will be open weekends beginning in January!
From our friends at the New Bethlehem Project: The Day Center is finally open! A joint venture between ELCA mission start Salt House and Holy Family Parish, both in Kirkland, this center will provide badly needed resources for the growing community of homeless families on the Eastside. For more information, see the New Bethlehem Project’s webpage.
From the ELCA: The Chair of the ELCA Conference of Bishops, Rev. William Gafkjen, spoke at Masjid Muhammad –the oldest mosque in Washington D.C.– as part of a press conference presented by Shoulder to Shoulder, an interfaith campaign dedicated to ending anti-Muslim sentiment. The ELCA is a charter member of this organization, which was founded in 2010 by more than 20 national religious groups. To see video of the press conference, visit the ELCA’s Facebook page.
Also from the ELCA: Bishop Elizabeth Eaton has released a statement concerning the Dakota Access Pipeline which says in part, “I believe that we are called as a church to support the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe: to stand with the Tribe as they seek justice, to encourage our congregations to pray for them and to offer material support, and to examine the racism inherent in our system that contributes to the current crisis.” For the complete statement, see the ELCA webpage.
From the Lutheran World Federation: 80 global participants representing mission agencies, Lutheran World Federation member churches, and other bodies have gathered in Geneva this week for the Consultation on Contemporary Mission in Global Christianity. They spent this time together in prayer and discussion as they explored the current trends of mission on different continents and mapped out a strategic approach for holistic mission at the Lutheran World Federation Twelfth Assembly in May, 2017. See pictures and more information at the link above.