Thank you for joining us again for worship on this Fifth Sunday of Easter, and our tenth Sunday of worshiping together differently. Even as we long for our in-person reunion, we remain one body of Christ and one family of faith. 

Feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the page if there’s anything you enjoyed about these holy experiments or if there’s anything that would help as you worship along with us.

Blessings and peace throughout the coming week.

To scroll through the bulletin, hover your cursor (computer) or tap the image with your finger (mobile device).

051020 Traditional

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-712386.


  1. Once again, nice job by all. Love the drone views, Matt. Thank you, Shari and Martha for your music today. And thank you, Pastor Dave for The Pastor’s Study. It was very helpful to me to hear the background and context of the Scripture readings, as well as your own personal anecdotes and reflections. Hope we can all be back together soon.


  2. Great service, music, scenes of organist playing, drone shots of campus, sermon and the work of all that make this happen
    Jean & Hal