Thank you for joining us again for worship on this Second Sunday of Easter. We’re so glad to have the chance to continue to connect with you even when we can’t be together in body. Feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the page if there’s anything you enjoyed about these holy experiments or if there’s anything that would help as you worship along with us.
Blessings and peace throughout the coming week.
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Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-712386.
Thank you for another meaningful worship service. The conversational sermon between Pastor Dave and Ben modeled the unity of worshipers at Cross of Christ with warmth.
Larry and I appreciated the Holy Week and Easter services, all well done. Our guest musicians, Matha Freitag and Sami Gorham performed beautifully. Thank you! Also, thank you to Matt Pohle for his expertise, and all the wonderful participants who have been mentioned before.
Monnie & Larry
Beautiful service! Thanks to each of you for your ongoing efforts and time In providing meaningful services that can be enjoyed. You are doing amazing things!
Ben, I really loved the video. It was inspirational and peaceful. Thanks for sharing.
Peace be with you all!
Thank you again for giving us another meaningful service. Your conversation service was well done.